The affectionate message for the Pontiff was a response to a letter, also affectionate, the Pope had sent to the congress.
In it, the deep awareness that has developed in the last few days about the specific mission of the laity was stressed, “not only in building up their local Christian communities but also in making new pathways for the Gospel in every sector of society.”
The message for Benedict XVI also underscored the inadequacy of the tasks given to the “small flock” of Asian Christians.
Yet despite everything, congress participants were enthusiastic because they knew that “the peoples of Asia need Jesus Christ and his Gospel” and that this continent “thirsts for the living water that only He can give”.
“Holy Father,” the message said, “we live in difficult times and it seems that almost everywhere the Church faces strong headwinds and waves that prevail against her. At times, we even fear being shipwrecked. But, in these moments, we hear again those reassuring words of the Lord: “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid (Mt, 14:27).”
The message to the Catholic laity of Asia stressed the “greatness and timeliness of this mission that stems from the grace of our Baptism.” Thus, “bearing witness to Jesus Christ, the universal Savior” is the “great mission”, the “supreme service and greatest gift that the Church can offer to the people of Asia.”
“Asia is currently undergoing unprecedented processes of growth and social transformation. Its immense population and rapid economic growth make it a significant epicenter at the international level. Nevertheless, it faces serious problems regarding the promotion of freedom, justice, solidarity and the development of more humane living conditions. In light of this, we are convinced that the unique Christian contribution could be essential towards the resolution of these problems for the good of our people.”
The message is full of gratitude for “those who bear courageous witness to their faith in civil societies where the religious freedom of the individual is either denied or restricted, or those who suffer hostility from religious fundamentalists, or those who because of their faith, are threatened and persecuted by government authorities.
It is also full of enthusiasm. “How true, also for our times and continent is the maxim of Tertullian: “The blood of martyrs is the seed of the Church!”
It goes further. “Take courage friends!” it said. “The Risen Christ has won for us the final victory! Evil no longer has the final word. Love has proved itself stronger than death, hatred, indifference! The power of the God’s grace strengthens our weakness.”
The message to Asian Catholic laity was read by Prof Thomas Han, who was the driving force and organiser of the congress.
At the end of the acknowledgements, Card Stanisław Ryłko said that Prof Han, who is a member of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, was going to be the new ambassador of South Korea to the Holy See.
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