Thursday, March 31, 2011

Catholic priest quits after fathering child

A priest in Inverness has quit the church to be with the mother of his child.

Father Piotr Koczorowski shocked the local congregation with the revelation. 

He suddenly left St Mary's Roman Catholic Church in the Highland Capital on December 18 last year.

Rumours quickly spread that the Polish-born 36-year-old quit after falling for a woman who went on to have his child. 

Now the Scottish Catholic Church has confirmed the news.

A spokesman for the Aberdeen Diocese said Father Koczorowski met with Bishop Peter Moran and he now plans to leave the priesthood to concentrate on his parental responsibilities and confirmed he resigned because he was to become a father.

The identity of the pregnant woman is unknown at this stage and it is not clear if they are still in Inverness or not.

Father Koczorowski shot to fame three years ago for entertaining church-goers across the country with his rock band of priests. 

The revelation has been hard to take for leaders of the local Polish community.

The Scottish Catholic Church will take no further action because Father Koczorowski is still technically under the jurisdiction of his Polish Diocese.

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