Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Abuse-advocacy organization dismayed by new archbishop

Members of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, or SNAP, made it clear they are not happy with the pope’s selection of Archbishop Charles J. Chaput as the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s new archbishop.

“After years of covering up abuse and protecting predator priests, we were pleased to see that Cardinal Rigali was finally resigning from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. However, we could not be more displeased that his successor will be Charles J. Chaput, longtime archbishop of the Archdiocese in Denver,” Johanna Berrigan of Philadelphia SNAP stated in a release.

Along with other claims, SNAP accused Chaput of covering up and downplaying sexual abuse in Denver.

Although unhappy, the organization is asking Chaput to work with them to accomplish certain goals.

First, SNAP would like to reform the statute of limitations in Pennsylvania. Second, it is asking that Chaput “immediately remove and discipline” anyone “involved in enabling and covering up” the sexual abuse scandals.

Getting Chaput to aid SNAP’s mission to reform Pennsylvania’s statute of limitations may be near impossible.

In a 2006 letter, faced with the possibility of reformed statutes in Colorado, Chaput voiced strong opposition to proposed changes. His main concern is that prosecuting lawyers and fake victims would surface because suing the “Catholic Church can be extremely lucrative.”

Chaput made the distinction that removing the statutes of limitation in civil cases would be more problematic than in criminal cases, a distinction he upheld during a press conference last week.

Chaput said the bishops of Colorado were in favor of removing the criminal statutes of limitations.

“His record in Colorado shows that he fought against the victims in reforming the statutes of limitations,” said Karen Polesir of Philadelphia SNAP. “We’re going to be cautious (of Chaput).”

In the 2006 letter, Chaput made the case that relaxed civil statutes of limitations “puts a huge defense burden on any accused individual or institution.”

He said just the threat of a lawsuit would make many diocese, innocent or otherwise, settle because of prospective legal costs.

Chaput also argued in his letter that the punishment against Catholic institutions was much harsher than public schools, where “it occurs much more frequently.”

“The Catholic Church wants to be treated like citizens with equal access and protection of the law,” said Chaput Tuesday. “That’s all we were asking for in Colorado.”

Chaput recognizes he’s stepping into a tense situation and reportedly would like to meet with abuse victims.

“I think that it’s important that the church loves its members,” said Chaput at the press conference. “If the members are hurt, and hurt by sexual abuse, then it means that the church is obliged to go out of the way to love folks and to embrace them in every kind of way possible.”

SNAP has urged victims to go directly to the police in abuse cases and circumvent the church.

Chaput acknowledged he understood victims wanted “the protection of their lawyers.”

Cardinal Justin Rigali also made apologies Tuesday, saying, “I apologize for any weaknesses on my part.”

“I’m glad that he’s apologizing and I hope that it’s heartfelt,” said Polesir. “He could have spoken up a long time ago.”

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