Once a cherished icon for generations of Catholics, a statue ofIreland's patron saint from Sacred Heart Church in Newark has landed ina South Orange restaurant -- much to the chagrin of local Catholicleaders.
On a recent night, as college-age students mingled at Cryan's Beefand Ale House, St. Patrick watched silently from a corner in therestaurant section, a shepherd's staff in his left hand.
The move, from pious to pub, has provoked some debate. The6-foot-tall plaster statue was relocated after the Archdiocese of Newarkclosed the venerable church last summer.
Bar owner Jimmy Cryan said his family had long supported SacredHeart, holding fundraisers at the bar and pitching in for restorations.
"The response has been overwhelming," he said. "It's just nice tohave a piece of old Sacred Heart around."
But archdiocese officials, who plan to reuse items from the churchin other religious buildings, are not pleased.
"The (Cryan) family expressed some interest in the statue becausethey had been involved in its restoration," said archdiocesan spokesmanJim Goodness. "They asked if they could have it. Our expectation wasthat it would be in a house, or a place for appropriate veneration."
Generations of local Catholics flocked to Sacred Heart in theheavily Irish Vailsburg neighborhood to pay their respects to the icon.
"It was gorgeous," said Paul Reilly, a former parishioner. "The St.Patrick's parade in Newark had their Mass there every year, and theyused to bring the statue out. The place would be packed."
Citing falling attendance, the archdiocese shuttered the church inJune, despite bitter protests from longtime worshippers.
Bob Madara, who joined the church in the 1970s, said he enjoyedhaving St. Patrick preside over his meals.
"It's in a respectable place," he said. "It's great. When people sawit on Christmas, it was one bright spot (after the church closed). It'sa morale booster."
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