In the six videos, the chaplain ofIndianapolis' Cardinal Ritter High School is seen instructing teenagestudents that God isn't cool with sexually active gay people.
“Homosexuality,” Hollowell says,“if it's okay in God's eyes, then the Bible is completely useless. Old and New Testament in multiple places say homosexual acts are an'abomination,' a grave offense against God. The Catholic Churchupholds that teaching as well. So you have two options: God is coolwith homosexuality, homosexual acts, I should say … or what theBible and the Church say about it is correct? Okay? There's nomiddle ground on that issue.”
In another video, Hollowell suggeststhat a household headed by a gay couple is an “unhealthyatmosphere” for children.
“You don't need to use the languageof sin in order to say 'look, the state should not be putting adoptedchildren with couples who are acting on their homosexualattractions.' You don't need sin for that because our societyalready does that. Our society already does not put people intosituations where there is sex going on that society deems to be notgood. … If porn was being filmed in a home, we would pull the childout of that environment. If sex was occurring in the home which wasbondage or S&M type sexuality, the CPS would pull the child outof that environment.”
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