Sunday, November 28, 2010

Pope: fear of nuclear weapons increases global tension

Work to build unity in the human family, promote peace, persevering in the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons in Asia and the world. 

This is what emerges from the speech given this morning by Benedict XVI to Yamaguchi Hidekazu, Japan's ambassador to the Holy See on the occasion of the presentation of credentials.

"Since its entry in the organization of the United Nations - said the Pope - Japan has always been a major player on the regional and international scene and has contributed significantly to the expansion of peace, democracy and human rights in the Far East and in the rest of the world, particularly in developing countries. " 

Remembering sixty-fifth anniversary of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Pope said that "nuclear weapons remain a major concern. The possession and the risk of their possible use has increased tensions and mistrust in many parts of the world. " 

He highlighted the efforts made by Japan in nuclear disarmament and in formulating solutions to the ongoing political tensions in the region. 

"We share this concern with Japan for a world without nuclear weapons - he continued - the Holy See encourages all nations to patiently build the peace with economic and political means that have to stand as a bulwark against every attempt to resort to weapons and promote the integral human development of all peoples. "

In a continent where Christians suffer violations of religious freedom and violence, Benedict XVI emphasized the freedom of religion and conscience in Japan, which has "enabled the Catholic Church not only to live in peace and brotherhood with everyone, but also play an active and vibrant role in the country, through universities, schools, hospitals and charities that serve the entire community. "


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