Sunday, November 28, 2010

Pope hardly the voice of experience (Contribution)

NO JOKE, every week I try, I really try, not to sneer unpleasantly at ludicrous religious beliefs but then, just when I think I have mastered it, this overwhelming urge to at least say something sane on a religious issue just gets the better of me.

And this week is a case in point. 

In a severely overpopulated world, beset by sexually transmittable diseases, including HIV, the Catholic Church has long stood firm against the most effective living-in-the-real-world solution – using condoms.

Last week, however, for the first time, the Pope opined that, 'Well, maybe it might be OK for just male prostitutes to wear them.'

Look, I suppose this is a major step forward from a man – and he is just a man – who is previously on record saying condoms make the AIDS crisis worse. 

But all over the world, theologists are examining every which way the Pope's words, to try to determine their true meaning, and whether this is a formal change in Catholic policy.
Oh, people my people! 

How is it, that in the 21st century, five centuries or so on from the end of the Dark Ages, people can really care what the hell an elderly German man living in Rome – who is not only still a virgin, but also presiding over a growing international paedophilia scandal from within his own ranks – thinks about the use or otherwise of condoms? 

Why do otherwise rational and intelligent people think that he might know better than they do, most particularly when it comes to matters of the bleeding obvious?

Is it because they are brainwashed from birth? 



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