Friday, February 25, 2011

Abortion and unemployment are vital issues in election

Suicidal intent should not be put forward as a reason to legalise abortion according to Martin Mansergh. 

Speaking in the last week of the election campaign, the Fianna Fáil candidate in Tipperary South said that to make suicidal intent, real or alleged, the basis of any abortion law would be fundamentally flawed, regardless of what Irish or European judges or courts say.  

He said the issue should be decided by Irish people, as it was in the 1983 pro-life amendment, during which he was one of the Taoiseach’s advisers.

Dr Mansergh also stated that religion is a fundamental part of the identity of many Irish people and that when there is a national crisis people often affirm fundamental values and sense of identity.  

He said that only a minority are in favour of complete secularisation of Irish society.

Declan Ganley said that mortgage debt and the abortion issue are the “elephants in the room” in this election campaign, when speaking at the endorsement of Mayo Independent candidate Martin Daly.  

A Ballina teacher, Martin Daly is in the New Vision grouping of Independent candidates, and involved with the Mayo Pro-Life Group. 

He worked with Declan Ganley when he was leader of Libertas and candidate in the 2009 European election.

Meanwhile Professor Ray Kinsella stated in an article in the Irish Examiner that the issue of long-term and youth unemployment is most pressing.  

If the new Government fails to prioritise it will act as a major drag, on any prospective recovery and stabilisation of the public finances.  

It will further increase inequalities within society and inflict damage on the dignity and value of people who are without work.

He stated that the economy is challenged by extensive ‘scarring’ — a technical term applied to the multiple negative effects of an extended period of unemployment.  

Long-term unemployment scars careers and it scars lives.
Research from other countries indicate that being unemployed for twelve months or more is not the same thing as periods of a month or two out of work.  

A process of de-motivation and de-skilling occurs, infecting every aspect of the individual’s life and health, their capabilities and relationships.  

It affects families and the well- being of children and their capacity to strive to use their God-given talents. 

Around 47% of those signing on the Live Register are classified as long-term unemployed.

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