Friday, February 25, 2011

Churchgoers’ worries of parking persecution

CHURCHGOERS fear they are being persecuted in a row over Sunday morning parking tickets.

Worshippers attending Sunday mass at St Peter’s Roman Catholic Church, just off City Road, Cardiff, claim the frequency and timing of local authority traffic patrols increases during services.

And some have complained to Cardiff council over concerns their church is being singled out.

Michael Flynn, headmaster of St Peter’s Primary School on nearby Southey Street, wrote to parents and parishioners on behalf of the school asking them to voice concerns to local councillors.

He said: “We have written to authorities previously asking for details of the deployment of their officers at the times of worship for all faith communities across the city.

“To date we have received no reply. To the letter of the law these officers are quite correctly imposing fines. However, the spirit in which the law is being upheld across our city is a different matter.”

He added that discussions with parents and parishioners had revealed there’s a “clear feeling” the church is being singled out, though he said this may just be speculation.

“I hasten to add there is no solid evidence to support this but we have requested details of the deployment of officers so we can see for ourselves,” he said.

“We have written again to the authorities and now will also write to our elected representatives.”

He included a sample letter for residents to write to Plasnewydd and Adamsdown councillors, and the church confirmed its priests were working closely with Mr Flynn to tackle the issue, but was unable to comment further.

A Cardiff council spokeswoman said: “We are aware of parking issues in the streets surrounding St Peter’s Church having received a number of complaints about problem parking in the area. We are currently reviewing the parking options available for people attending the church. The parking enforcement scheme’s principal aim is to ease congestion and improve safety and conditions for motorists, pedestrians and residents. We would ask people to park responsibly and observe the parking regulations which are in place. Anyone choosing to breach traffic regulations can expect to receive a penalty charge notice.”

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