Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Archbishop of York says Fairtrade is justice, not charity

'Fairtrade Fortnight' runs until March 13 and churches are calling for people to support it by organising events and buying Fairtrade produce.

Since the launch of the first Fairtrade label in 1988, the Fairtrade Foundation has been seeking to transform trading structures and practices to help the poor and disadvantaged all over the world. 

The Foundation's focus is on helping farmers and workers improve the quality of their lives and take more control over their futures.

Each year, Fairtrade Fortnight encourages people to buy produce that has been produced fairly. 

The campaign for 2011 is asking the nation "to show off about buying Fairtrade", which offers 7.5 million people in the developing world a more secure future.

The Archbishop of York, John Sentamu said: "I encourage anyone who is organising an event during Fairtrade Fortnight. Remember your contribution and commitment can help make a difference to those suffering in poverty around the globe.

"Fairtrade is not about charity, it is about justice. It is about people getting fair pay for the produce and products of their labours, no matter where they live in the world.

"Please join me in buying Fairtrade produce where you can - this small act makes such a big difference in the fight against global poverty."

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