Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Injured Irish nun urges people to pray for her attacker

An Irish nun has insisted that participants in a vigil being held for her recovery in the United States pray for her brutal attacker.  

Tralee born Sister Nora Brick urges people to show compassion for the homeless man who beat her black and blue.  

The tiny 81-year-old nun from County Kerry known as 'the Irish Mother Teresa' because of her work with the under privileged in Mantee County Florida for more than 30 years, was attacked by Eliseo Ortiz, who has still not been captured, on St Valentine's Day, because she refused his demands for cash. 

Sister Nora suffered such serious injuries that she has been forced to retire and now lives in a church-run home where she is recovering. 

Nevertheless, the Franciscan nun has requested that prayers be said for her 51-year-old Mexican attacker. 

“She has already forgiven him,” revealed Luyz Corcuera, director of Healthy Start at Mantee County where Sr Nora is staying. 

When Sister Nora refused to give Oritz money, he dragged her into a bedroom and repeatedly punched her in the head and face.  

The beating left Sr Nora with blackened eyes, a broken nose and concussion. 

Sister Nora was sent to the United States by her Order in 1951.  

She founded Stillpoint House of Prayer in 2000 to give migrants a place of prayer and meditation. 

Her Order has confirmed that once she is well enough she will return to Florida to say goodbye to colleagues.  

A reward of $1,000 has been offered by the local Crime Stoppers for any information on the attack.

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