Friday, May 27, 2011

Archbishop notes contradiction between human rights defense and abortion support

Archbishop Thomas Wenski of Miami recently emphasized the contradiction between supporting abortion and defending human rights.

The archbishop recalled that the first and most basic of all human rights is the right to life. He added that “there is a manifest contradiction between the promotion of abortion and the defense of human rights.”

Archbishop Wenski spoke at a Mass in Miami, organized by the Argentinean Consulate there to celebrate the 201st anniversary of the May Revolution. The revolution opened the door for independence in the South American country.

He then exhorted Argentineans living in Miami to care for their culture and values inspired in the Gospel, as Catholicism is the greatest treasure of Argentina and of all of Latin America.

Catholicism “is not a political ideology, a social movement or an economic system. It is faith in the God of Love, born, died and raised up in Jesus Christ, the authentic foundation of this hope that produced such magnificent fruits from the first evangelization until today,” the archbishop said.

He also encouraged illegal immigrants not to lose hope and faith in God, and he warned that there can be no authentic social progress without supporting family life based on the stable union between one man and one woman.

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