Monday, May 30, 2011

Second Catholic priest sworn in as House chaplain

The Rev. Patrick Conroy was sworn in Wednesday (May 25)as House chaplain, making him the first Jesuit to hold the position, andthe first candidate forced to navigate around the Catholic Church'sabuse scandal.

"It's clear this loyal servant of the faithful is uniquely suited toserve as chaplain of the people's House," Speaker John Boehner said,noting that the chaplain "is the anchor of the House."

"Leader Pelosi and I have gotten a chance to know Father Pat, andwe're honored that he has accepted our invitation to serve as chaplain,"Boehner said.

"We are blessed to have his guidance and his wisdom as we dischargeour duties and fulfill our obligations to current and future generationsof Americans."

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi had raised questions about Conroy, 60,after learning that the Oregon Province of the Society of Jesus agreedto a $166.1 million bankruptcy settlement involving more than 500 activeclaims of sexual or physical abuse.

After requesting and receiving additional information, Pelosi latergave Conroy her full support. Though the dust-up was brief, Conroyreferred to it as a "firestorm" that exposed the extent to which thecases remain connected to the modern church.

Conroy now becomes the 60th House chaplain and succeeds the Rev.Daniel Coughlin, who retired last month after 11 years in the position.Until his appointment, Conroy taught at Jesuit High School in Beaverton,Ore.

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