Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Cardinal Scola seen as Pope's clear choice for Milan

Most Vatican journalists now agree that Cardinal Angelo Scola of Venice will soon be named the new Archbishop of Milan, ending months of speculation over the appointment to the most prestigious see in Italy outside Rome. 

Sandro Magister of L’Espresso sees the imminent appointment as particularly significant for two reasons.

First, he writes, Cardinal Scola has always been the clear choice of Pope Benedict XVI, with whom he worked closely on the theological journal Communio

Pope Benedict has shown a very clear preference for giving key appointments to prelates with whom he has a strong personal tie. 

Second, Magister observes, Cardinal Scola has strong ties to the Communion and Liberation movement - ties strong enough so that 40 years ago, the then-Archbishop of Milan was reluctant to ordain Angelo Scola as a priest!

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