Sunday, June 26, 2011

Phoenix Diocese considering St. Mary's for its cathedral

The Catholic Diocese of Phoenix is considering switching the designation of its cathedral to a more centrally located church, possibly St. Mary's Basilica in downtown Phoenix.

The historic church is being discussed as a leading option to become the cathedral because of its proximity to diocese offices, its history and the belief among visitors and newcomers that it is, in fact, the central church of the diocese, according to church officials. 

It would have to be expanded by more than 1,000 seats to be suitable for a cathedral that can host major diocesan events.

When the Diocese of Phoenix was created on Dec. 2, 1969, Pope Paul VI designated SS. Simon and Jude as the diocesan cathedral. The parish was founded in the 1950s, and SS. Simon and Jude was one of the larger churches in the diocese at the time.

Now, more than 40 years later, it appears the diocese may have outgrown the 1,200-seat cathedral at 27th and Maryland avenues in Phoenix. 

Diocesan spokesman Rob DeFrancesco said discussions about the location of the cathedral began a year ago out of continued concerns that SS. Simon and Jude is not centrally located.

As the priests and bishops talked, they focused on locations near Central Avenue and the Metro light-rail line.

"The discussion led to a suggestion that the diocese study the feasibility of adopting St. Mary's Basilica as its cathedral," DeFrancesco said. 

"St. Mary's is a landmark that is often pictured as the image of the Diocese of Phoenix. It has significant history in the growth of the Catholic Church in Phoenix, and it is centrally located in the heart of the city next to the Diocesan Pastoral Center" along Monroe Street between Third and Fourth streets.

The basilica seats 850 people, so DeFrancesco said the option "would require an expansion of St. Mary's Basilica to accommodate additional seating" while maintaining its appearance and historical significance.

An expansion likely would have the goal of more than doubling the basilica's size, to 2,000 seats or more.

The diocese is setting aside money in next year's budget to conduct a structural feasibility study of the basilica.

St. Mary's already is home to numerous diocese functions. The annual Red Mass, for lawmakers and lawyers, is held there. 

Recently, the diocese held a Mass to kick off the activities surrounding the Manhattan Declaration, a statement of support for traditional marriage, sanctity of life and religious freedom, at the basilica.

A cathedral is the principal church of a diocese, home to the symbolic throne from which the bishop leads the faithful. In many dioceses, it is one of the largest and grandest churches available, and often is newly built to serve as a cathedral.

A basilica, by contrast, is an honorary title given to a church which often has special local significance. In the case of St. Mary's, it was designated in 1985, two years before Pope John Paul II visited Phoenix.

A move to St. Mary's could encounter numerous hurdles. First, the role of the Franciscans, the order of friars who have led St. Mary's for a century, would have to be resolved. 

Normally, diocesan priests would lead the cathedral church.

Second, the cost could be prohibitive. Although not as potentially costly as a brand new cathedral - new cathedrals in Los Angeles and Oakland cost close to $200 million - the price tag is likely to be high.

Finally, the effort would require several permits from historic preservation agencies. The basilica is on both state and national registers of historic places.

City officials declined comment on the possible move because no requests have come before the city.

The Downtown Phoenix Partnership, which promotes the downtown area, welcomed the possibility of an expanded cathedral that could host major church events downtown.

"That would be great if it happens," said David Roderique, president and CEO of the partnership.

Matt Millea, a parishioner at St. Mary's for 20 years, said he fears any effort to expand the church would change the diverse and highly educated nature of the parish, which marks its 130th year on Friday.

The makeup of the parish has changed before.

The building itself, dedicated in 1915, was part of a larger parish community for many years, until the elementary school was closed in 1994. Also on the grounds were parish offices and a convent, which had been used for more than 25 years as diocese offices. 

The earliest version of St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center also was in the two-block area.

All that changed as the buildings were torn down for construction of the new Diocesan Pastoral Center, which opened in 2003. Between the center and the church is an open courtyard with tree-lined paths and religious statues.

Space exists on the eastern and western sides of St. Mary's for expansion. To the west is a building housing church offices and Franciscan residences, and to the east is the courtyard. But most of the talk has focused on expanding the church northward, where a small parking lot takes up space between the church and Van Buren Street.

Millea, an attorney who has worked with parish officials and Phoenix on methods to protect the church building during construction of the Phoenix Convention Center, said he thinks changes to the building are unlikely.

"The building is 19th century-technology," he said. "It seems unlikely anyone would cut into it. I don't see how you could avoid destroying the historical integrity of the building."

John Garcia, a parishioner at SS. Simon and Jude for 12 years, said he would regret losing the status of being the cathedral.

He said the church is home to much of the Phoenix Diocese's history, including numerous ordinations of priests and the installation of all four Phoenix bishops.

"It's a matter of pride," Garcia said.

He said he understands the desire to move the cathedral.

"Even now, for larger celebrations, this church is not adequate," he said, pointing to the ordination of the Rev. Eduardo Nevares as auxiliary bishop in the 2,000-seat St. Thomas Aquinas in Avondale.

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