Saturday, July 2, 2011

Behemoth Singer Faces Charges of Insulting Roman Catholics in Poland

Adam 'Nergal' Darski of Poland's notorious blackened death metal kings Behemoth returned to court today to face charges that stemmed from an incident that happened fourteen years ago.

During a Behemoth performance in Gdynia, Poland in 1997, Nergal called the Catholic Church "the most murderous cult on the planet" before tearing up a Bible on stage. 

The guitarist-vocalist was eventually charged with "insulting Roman Catholics," a crime punishable by two years behind bars in Poland.

"I spent 5 hours in the court in Gdynia today," Nergal commented. 

"The case is back on track and there's still [a] few witnesses to be interviewed. It's way too early to give any further comment. I just hope the final verdict is gonna be positive for me. I have a feeling that I'm in this situation for right reasons and I'm not giving up. Cross fingers! The battle ain't over yet..."

Regardless of the outcome of the trial, the Behemoth frontman has already won his battle with leukemia, with which he was diagnosed last summer. 

Since then, Nergal has undergone chemo therapy and a bone marrow transplant.

On Behemoth's official website, the band recently wrote that they have begun rehearsing and working on new material for their next album. 

"Sooo, first rehearsals after the transplant are under our belts! I didn't want to get overexcited at first, just wanted to see how things would go, but I have to tell you...the second rehearsal we f---ing nailed 'Ov Fire And The Void,' 'Lucifer,' 'Conquer All' and 'Antichristian Phenomenon,' flawlessly! One of us even asked: 'Did we really take a year off from each other?' Ha ha... it was good times in great company! But the biggest surprise were the songs we never played live ever and planning to do on the upcoming Phoenix Rising Tour".

"I won't reveal any names yet, let it be a mystery till we hit the stage, all right?"

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