Friday, July 1, 2011

Church of Scotland lands on Facebook and Twitter

The Church of Scotland has made its official Facebook and Twitter debut this week.

As of Monday, @churchscotland has been tweeting the word to followers.

Its Facebook page will feature messages, updates, photos and videos as its social media policy develops.

The Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, the Right Rev David Arnott, has praised the move.

“I have no doubt that these social media platforms will help the Church of Scotland spread its message and engage as well as listen to a wider audience," he said.

“It presents huge opportunities for us, and as a national church we want to be part of an enormous and ever-growing online community.”

Already a number of congregations have been utilising digital technology to the full, with a church in Bo’ness being the first in Britain to broadcast its services live onto iPads and iPhones last year.

Others use Facebook to post videos of sermon previews, as well as facilitating prayer requests.

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