Tuesday, July 26, 2011

NI abuse inquiry a step closer

Victims of abuse have welcomed the news that a Ryan-style inquiry into historical institutional abuse in the North may take place.

The terms of reference of any such inquiry will be made known in the autumn, after ministers consult with abuse victims over the Assembly's summer recess.

However, the probe is expected to cover all care homes and institutions in the North rather than singling out Catholic institutions.

Margaret McGuckin of campaign group Survivors and Victims of Institutional Abuse has welcomed the news, saying victims have ''waited decades'' for the news.

''We welcome this latest commitment that key decisions are now only a couple of months away,'' she said.

''We want a fully independent public inquiry into past abuses suffered by children in institutions across Northern Ireland.

''We want counselling and other services put in place for victims. And we want a public apology for what was done to us,'' she said.

Junior ministers Jonathan Bell and Martina Anderson are to meet with former residents of care homes and other institutions during the summer break, after which the North's Executive will make a decision about establishing an inquiry.

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