Wednesday, July 27, 2011

No comment: senior clergy do not respond to criticism at masses

SENIOR CATHOLIC Church clergy did not make any comment during weekend Masses on Taoiseach Enda Kenny’s stinging criticism of the Holy See’s role in covering up cases of clerical child sex abuse.

Many Irish bishops are on leave and have not been available for comment on the Taoiseach’s address.

In language never used by an Irish government leader, Enda Kenny last week accused the Vatican of downplaying the rape and torture of children in order to uphold its own power and reputation.

Neither Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin nor Catholic Primate of All Ireland Cardinal Seán Brady made any comments at weekend Masses. 

Other senior clergy or their spokespeople were unavailable for comment.

Responding to the Taoiseach’s comments last week, Archbishop Martin said lessons had to be learned by looking at past failings, and emphasised people were let down “across the board”.

The Taoiseach’s speech was reported around the world, with many media organisations suggesting it signified a new low in relations between the State and the Vatican.

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