Friday, July 1, 2011

Priest in Robstown-based religious order is suing his accuser

A Catholic priest who is a member of a Robstown-based religious order, and who is accused of improper sexual contact with a former employee, is suing his accuser.

The Rev. John Corapi has a nationwide following via television, Internet and in-person speaking appearances, and is known for his criticism about the way the Catholic Church treats priests accused of misconduct.

In March, a former employee sent letters to several bishops accusing Corapi of "everything from drug addiction to multiple sexual exploits with her and several other adult women," Corapi wrote in a statement on his website.

Corapi's suit, which seeks unspecified damages, claims the woman's letter was libelous, caused a television network to terminate his shows and sullied his reputation as a priest.

The woman filed a short response to the lawsuit denying the allegations.

The lawsuit was filed in Montana, where Corapi lives and where his Santa Cruz Media company is based.

Corapi was placed on administrative leave by the Catholic Church while the religious order investigated the credibility of the woman's claims.

Corapi belongs to the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, headquartered in Robstown.

His superior in the order, the Rev. Gerard Sheehan, has said the employee's claim of misconduct does not involve minors and does not rise to the level of criminal conduct and therefore would not be referred to police.

On June 17, Corapi posted a message on his website saying he no longer will be involved in public ministry as a priest.

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