Monday, January 22, 2007

Elphin Diocesan Child Sex Abuse Scandal (3)

It has now become possible for me to place this story on this blog, and for this I must offer grateful thanks to my legal advisors in this regard. For the purposes of easy understanding I have decided to appoint the following names to individuals that for legal reasons cannot yet be named.

Fr A - advised others of need to prevent Fr X of having access to children

Fr X - at centre of this matter

Diocese A. – where Fr. X. had served before returning to Ireland

Bishop A - in Diocese where Fr X served before returning to Ireland

Bishop Of Elphin - shall be named as either Bishop of Elphin or Bishop Jones

CSA - Child Sex Abuse

A matter in relation to allegations of Child Sex Abuse (CSA) has been quietly passed over by the Irish media - with one exception - but it has not passed the ears of Sotto Voce unheard. It will have serious consequences for all concerned both here and abroad and this is not factoring in the anguish and pain of the alleged victim.

It came to our attention in November 2006, but had been rumbling in the Diocese of Elphin for a substantial amount of time (over a decade at least) without any decision - proactive or otherwise - being taken by the current incumbent of episcopal office therein, Bishop Jones (71).

What has transpired is as follows and as stated, makes for harrowing reading in that it again portrays the attitude of the hierarchy towards the handling of such issues and then when confronted their unwillingness to accept their liability and/or responsibility in the matter.

After his appointment a few years ago, a local parish priest, Fr. A, advised the principal of a local primary education school in the area he was based that a certain (now elderly) priest, Fr. X, should not be allowed access to children. It has transpired that this priest, Fr. A, had been party to a discussion whereby Bishop Jones had in fact discussed Fr X. and his alleged perversion when based in the Diocese under the auspices of Bishop A., before his (Fr. X.) return to Ireland. The principal was contacted in relation to this matter and had initially denied being informed about the allegation against Fr. X., only to later return the call and advise she had been aware but she herself had NOT contacted the Department of Education as would be legally required of her.

Fr. A. spoke off the record to me, and I respect his willingness to so do, and feel that he is a person of great moral standing and genuine in his concern for the children but feel he may yet face sanction from the palace because of this being placed in the public domain. He has my empathy and prayers.

Seemingly, Fr. X is alleged to have, whilst based in the Diocese A, been involved in the alleged abuse of a woman who had made a formal complaint of CSA to the authorities in her area. Diocese A. became aware of the allegations in 1988 and the local police force stated they found no basis on which to proceed with the investigation into the allegations.

Fr. X was notified by Bishop A. of the allegations and the investigation, and Fr. X. wrote to Bishop A. to say he had received an anonymous letter from the alleged victim that had not named him but had implicated him in CSA. Fr. X. denied vehemently any such allegation and made this point very clear to Bishop A. in the correspondence he returned to him. Bishop A., in his response, stated that his Diocese had received no such correspondence in relation to the matter - which has now proven to be a lie - and nothing further was done until January 1993. it was at this moment that the same alleged victim came forward to Diocese A. and repeated her claim against Fr. X. stating categorically that Fr. X. had indeed abused her as a child.

It was 9 years later, in 2002, that Diocese A. notified the local authorities of this allegation, and another police inquiry began which despite the secrecy of it aforementioned investigation, has not yet resulted in any action being taken against anyone!!!

Back to 1993, and after Diocese A. had again noted the claims of this woman, Bishop A. notified the Bishop of Elphin - at the time, Bishop Dominic Conway - and it then came to the attention of Bishop Jones when he succeeded the now deceased Conway in 1993. However, Bishop Jones did NOT notify the relevant authorities here in Ireland such as the Gardaí or the Health Services - as required by law - and even down the years, never contacted them. This is in direct contravention of Statutory Law and indeed Church Directives of both 1996 and 2005 - Our Children, Our Church - and Bishop Jones was seemingly most active in ensuring the directive was implemented.

In the Diocese of Elphin (covering parts of Roscommon, Sligo, Westmeath and Galway), Bishop Jones oversaw information evenings on child protection right up to as recent as 2006 and was instrumental in publishing a new Diocesan Code of Conduct for dealing with Children. However, his handling of this particular matter flies against all of such attempts to bring some sense of healing and investigation to this CSA scandal which seems as if it is going to be - not unlike Bishop Walsh in Killaloe and Cardinal Emeritus Desmond Connell of Dublin - the undoing of their respective terms of episcopal office.

Bishop Jones and Fr. A. have claimed in the last few days that they were totally unaware of any investigation having being carried out by the local police force in Diocese A. on foot of the allegations made by the woman concerned. Let it be remembered this investigation began in 2002 - 9 years after the woman had approached Diocese A. in 1993 - a time frame which would obviously obfuscate any proper investigation by any police force.

Also, Bishop Jones seemingly only became aware last week that Fr. X. is now in a different Diocese to his - either Archdiocese of Tuam or Diocese of Galway - and he notified only last month the respective bishop of the Diocese where Fr. X. is now resident. However, that bishop in which Fr. X. is now residing has taken the necessary steps by ensuring that Fr. X. does not have access to schools or children with the instruction to the local parish priest that he be prevented from gaining such access. Further, the Diocesan Child Protection Officer in his Diocese had notified both the Gardaí and the Health Service Executive (HSE) immediately.

Fr. X. - ordained almost 60 years ago;
- served abroad for most of time;
- returned to Ireland in 1980’s ;
- informed in 1988 of initial allegation against him;
- received anonymous letter of allegations - denied vehemently;
- currently residing in another Diocese which forbids him having contact with
children and has been notified to State Authorities.

Bishop A. - initially advised of allegations against Fr. X. in 1988 - failed to act
- advised again in 1993 (failed to act for 9 years)
- notified relevant authorities in 2002
- notified Bishop Jones in Elphin in 1993

Bishop Jones - inherited this situation from late Bishop Conway;
- notified in 1993 by Bishop A.;
- did NOT notify either Gardaí or Health Authority;
- did discuss the matter with certain priests of the Diocese;
- advocate of Child Protection in Irish Catholic Church and own
- unaware of movements of Fr. X. who has moved to another Diocese
which Bishop only contacted last month;
- claimed he only became aware of police inquiry of 2002 last week;
- has only now notified the Gardaí and HSE - 14 years after initially
being advised by Bishop A.

Principal of Primary School - was advised by parish priest of Fr. X. and allegations;
- initially denied having been told;
- now confirmed having been advised of Fr. X.;
- has not yet advised Department of Education as
legally required to so do.

As of yet, no calls to the HSE or the Gardaí have been returned to me as to how this matter is being dealt with and perhaps, considering how tightly the Hierarchy and Bishops in this country work together (ref: Forces of Corruption & Collusion), I may yet be a while waiting for a response.

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