Monday, January 15, 2007

Lest we Forget....

Efforts to recover the bodies of the five fishermen missing from the trawler Pere Charles will continue today.

The search for the wreck of a second boat, the Honeydew II, which also disappeared during severe storms last Wednesday night, also resumed today.Atrocious weather conditions again hampered operations today with divers prevented from reaching the wreck of the Pere Charles by rough seas.

It may be Tuesday before winds and sea swells die down enough to allow Navy and Garda teams to reach the boat.It is lying in about 30m of water two miles off Hook Head, Co Wexford and it is believed the bodies of the five fishermen may be on board.

The coastguard also hopes to locate where the Kinsale-based vessel, the Honeydew II, went down.

Two men are still missing from that boat after it disappeared 20 miles from the Pere Charles near Mine Head.

Fisherman's Prayer

God grant that I may live to fish,until my dying day,

And when it comes to my last cast,

I then most humbly pray,

When in the Lord's safe landing net,I'm peacefully asleep,

That in his mercy I be judged,As big enough to keep.

Author Unknown

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