The week of prayer will culminate with an ecumenical Vespers service, at which Pope Benedict XVI will preside, at the Roman basilica of St. Paul-outside-the-Walls-- the basilica traditionally associated with the cause of Christian unity.
The Pontifical Council for Christian Unity, which is organizing the events, says that this year’s observance is designed to issue two challenges to the faithful: “to pray and strive together for Christian unity, and to join together in responding to human suffering.” The Pontifical Council has chosen a text for meditation on each day of the Week of Prayer:
January 18: In the beginning was the Word. "And God said..." (Gen 1)
January 19: The Saving Word of Christ. "He makes the deaf to hear and the mute to speak." (Mk 7: 31-37)
January 20: The Holy Spirit gives us the Word. "The Spirit ...will testify on my behalf." (Jn 15: 26)
January 21: The silence of the forgotten and the cries of the suffering. "If one member suffers all suffer together." (1 Cor 12: 26)
January 22: God's judgement on our silence. "Just as you did not do it to one of the least of these..." (Mt 25: 45)
January 23: Empowered to speak out. "But the woman ... came in fear and trembling ... and told Him the whole truth" (Mk 5: 33).
January 24: Forsakenness. "Why are You so far from helping me?" (Ps 22: 1)
January 25: Resurrection--glorification. "Every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord." (Phil 2: 11)
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