Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bishop apologises after gay slur

CATHOLIC Bishop Luis Bambaren was forced to issue an apology after referring to homosexuals as "faggots". 
Bambaren, an influential cleric, was asked to give his thoughts about a gay civil union proposal as he was leaving a church event late on Monday.

"Why is there so much talk about gay, gay, gay? ... Faggots – that's how it's said, right?"

Peru's senior church clerics, including Cardinal Luis Cipriani – the top Catholic cleric in Peru – have been open about their opposition to gay marriage and a proposal for gay civil unions.

The Homosexual Movement of Lima (MHOL) issued a quick response condemning the language.

"Bambaren's claim to call gay people faggots is totally inacceptable and constitutes an incitement to hatred," group head Christian Olivera said in a statement.
"In a country where we should all see ourselves as equals, Bambaren is encouraging violence by using a term that represents what is disgusting and perverse. Despising a community is not an example of what one supposes are Christian values."

Bambaren later issued an apology.

"I ask for an apology for everyone who felt offended. It is an offensive word, and (homosexuals) deserve respect," Bambaren said.

Talk of gay civil unions is in the news after Carlos Bruce – vice-presidential candidate for Alejandro Toledo, who is ahead the polls for the April 10 presidential election – said he would support it.

Bruce said that he realised Bambaren would oppose the proposal.

"What is wrong is that instead of giving rational arguments (against the proposal) he sunk to the level of insults," Bruce said.


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