Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pope plans full liturgical schedule for Holy Week, Easter

Pope Benedict XVI plans to preside at all of the regular liturgical ceremonies for Holy Week and Easter this year. 

On January 25, the Vatican released the Pope’s schedule of public liturgical celebrations for the coming weeks, including Easter Week. 

The schedule includes:
  • On February 2, the feast of the Presentation and the World Day for Consecrated Life, the Pope will lead a Vespers service for religious in the Vatican basilica
  • On February 5, the Pontiff will preside at episcopal ordinations, also in the Vatican basilica.
  • On February 11, he will hold an ordinary consistory—a meeting of all the cardinals present in Rome—to approve decrees related to various causes for canonization.
  • On March 9, Ash Wednesday, he will lead the traditional penitential procession from the basilica of St. Anselmo to that of Santa Sabina, presiding at the imposition of ashes at the latter.
  • On March 13, the 1st Sunday of Lent, he and the leaders of the Roman Curia will join in the annual Lenten Retreat, held at the Redemptoris Mater chapel in the apostolic palace. There will be no papal audiences during the following week, until the retreat closes on the following Saturday, March 19.
  • On March 20, the 2nd Sunday of Lent, he will preside at the dedication of a new parish in Rome, the parish of San Corbiniano all’Infernetto.
  • On April 17, Palm Sunday, he will preside at the blessing of the Palms, procession, and Mass—including the reading of the Passion—in St. Peter’s Square.
  • On April 21, Holy Thursday, he will preside at the Chrism Mass in the morning at the Vatican basilica, then open the Easter Triduum with the Mass of the Last Supper in the evening at the basilica of St. John Lateran.
  • On April 22, Good Friday, he will lead the Commemoration of the Passion in the Vatican basilica in the afternoon, followed by the Stations of the Cross at the Roman Coliseum that evening.
  • On Holy Saturday evening, April 23, he will lead the Easter Vigil, also in the Vatican basilica.
  • On Easter Sunday, April 24, he will preside at Mass in St. Peter’s Square, followed by the Urbi et Orbi blessing, delivered from the loggia of the basilica.

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