Thursday, January 27, 2011

Donegal parishioners shocked as priest is assaulted during Mass

Mass goers in a rural County Donegal parish looked on in horror as their parish priest was assaulted while saying mass last weekend.  

Fr Michael McKeever, parish priest of the rural parish of Glendowan, which is about ten miles from Letterkenny, was assaulted and verbally abused by a man who was drinking whiskey in the church. 

Speaking about the incident Fr McKeever said, “It came totally out of the blue.” 

Fr McKeever was left bruised and shocked following the incident that happened while parishioners were reciting the Creed. 

It is understood that shortly after Fr McKeever, who is also diocesan secretary to the Bishop of Raphoe Dr Philip Boyce commenced mass, the man stood in front of the altar and began a tirade of abuse.  

When he was asked to leave the church, he produced a bottle of whiskey and began drinking from it. 
Fr McKeever said, “I was escorting him out of the church when it happened.  He was using bad language at the altar.  Nobody would tolerate that.” 

As the drunken man reached the back of the church, he lashed out at Fr McKeever, punching him in the face and verbally abused him.  

Eventually, he had to be removed from the church with the help of members of the congregation. 

Fr McKeever added, “The whole congregation was upset by the incident.  It was very disruptive and many children and elderly who were there were very frightened by what happened.”

“It's not right that someone should behave like this during mass.” 

Fr McKeever confirmed that Gardaí are now investigating the incident and he also thanked the people of the parish who have given him huge support since the attack.


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