Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Friars Protest Outside Limerick Clinic

The Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, who are based at Moyross in Limerick City, have defended their decision to hold a prayerful protest against promiscuity this week outside a local family planning clinic.  

Speaking to Joe Duffy on RTÉ's Live Line show on Radio One, Fr Charles, who is based at Saint Patrick's Friary in Delmege Park, said they had staged protests outside the clinic on a number of occasions but the recent protest was the first in a number of months.  

He added that the Friars were there to offer prayerful support. 

“If somebody wants to talk to us we are there to help, we are there to talk to the people.”  

When asked by Joe Duffy what promiscuity had to do with family planning he responded by saying that, “We don't realise it but all contraception is basically a license for casual sex.” 

Fr Charles added their protest is held on the pavement, it is public ground and that there is no aggression in their protest against anyone. 

“We are just there praying so there is no offence made to anybody.” 

He added that the monks would consider moving their protest to a city high street chemist in future which sells condoms and provides the morning after pill. 

Their protest was criticised by a number of callers to the programme who claimed that they found the monks protest outside the clinic intimidating. 

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