Thursday, February 3, 2011

Omaha archdiocese settles Texas molestation suit

A Texas teenager who received a $1 million settlement from the Roman Catholic church in a molestation lawsuit has reached another settlement with a Nebraska archdiocese.

The Archdiocese of Omaha announced Friday it reached an undisclosed settlement with the alleged victim of John Fiala. 

The 52-year-old priest is in a Dallas jail facing criminal charges of soliciting someone to kill the teenager, who was 16 years old when the alleged abuse began in 2007.

Fiala was ordained by the Omaha archdiocese in 1984. 

The archdiocese said in a statement it settled because it wasn't clear that the church shared all information about Fiala when he left.

Fiala is charged with solicitation of capital murder. 

His alleged victim settled with the Archdiocese of San Antonio last week for $946,000.

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