Saturday, February 5, 2011

Philippine bishops’ websites defaced

Three websites belonging to the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) have been hit by cyber-attacks.

A hacker succeeded in defacing the bishops’ online radio, the National Secretariat for Social Action (Nassa) and the Episcopal Commission on Health Care websites yesterday, reports.

Nassa is the social action arm of the CBCP while the health care commission handles the Church’s ministry for caring for multiple-handicapped people and the mentally ill.

The hacker gained entry into the websites and defaced the front pages with a message “Hacked by CmTr.”

Another message read: “You have attempted to access a non-existent page. The current HTTP session will be terminated.”

The hacker also left a link to his blog.

As a result the websites were offline for several hours.

It was the second such attack on the bishops’ websites since November when hackers defaced the sites hours before Church groups held a protest against the reproductive health bill which is pending in the Philippine Congress.

The CBCP Media Office downplayed the attack, saying it probably wasn’t connected to the birth control issue.

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