Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sodalitium Christianae Vitae elects new superior general

The General Assembly of the Sodalitium Christianae Vitae has elected a new superior general.
Eduardo Regal Villa, who has been the apostolic society's vicar general since 2001, was chosen as the Sodalitium's new leader on Jan. 25 in Lima, Peru. 

The Sodalitium is a Society of Apostolic Life.

Regal succeeds Luis Fernando Figari, the founder of the Sodalitium and its general superior since it received approval from the Archdiocese of Lima in 1994.

Regal was born in Lima, Peru on May 7, 1966.  He is the second of three children born to Jose Antonio Regal Alberti and Graciela Villa Stein. 

He completed his studies in electronic engineering and business management before making his perpetual vows as a consecrated layman in 1992.

Since then, Regal has carried out apostolic activities specifically targeting youth, the poor, the culture, the family, the defense of life and rights of the human person.

Before his election as the new general superior, Regal was the general coordinator of the Christian Life Movement, one of the main apostolates of the Sodalitium. He is also currently a member of the editorial board of the magazine Vida y Espiritualidad.

Upon election, Regal told his fellow members, “I commended myself to Most Holy Mary, to whom I have a deep filial love. Christ points us to his mother at the foot of the cross, and in looking at her we see that everything in her life points toward Jesus.

“With the help of the Holy Spirit I will strive to make this the heart of my time of service in this post: ‘To Mary through Christ and more fully to the Lord Jesus through Mary’.” 

“Authority in the Sodalitium is above all a position of service to all its members and its works of evangelization,” he added.

Regal Villa recalled that “the Holy Spirit is the main protagonist in the life of evangelization of our community. 

“For this reason, the superior general, like all members of the Sodalitium, should be open to the grace of God in order to carry out the commandment of Christ to all his disciples ... to go out to all the world and proclaim the Gospel.” 

Eduardo Regal appointed Fernando Vidal Castellanos as vicar general of the Sodalitium. 

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