Saturday, April 30, 2011

Italian Politician Slams Gay Ikea Ad

A top Italian official thinks an ad for Swedish furniture maker Ikea featuring a gay couple holding hands is "in bad taste" and in direct opposition to Italy's constitution.

Secretary of State for family policy Carlo Giovanardi says he thinks it is "in bad taste that a Swedish multinational comes to Italy to tell Italians what they should think."

The ad, which features two men holding hands, reads, "We are open to all families."

Sweden has had marriage equality since 2009 and civil unions since the early '90s. 

By contrast, Italy does not recognize any form of same-sex unions.

"I think that many clients of Ikea will not find this pleasant," said Giovanardi, adding that while he thinks the company has a right to court any type of customer it pleases, the ad "is in direct opposition to our constitution, which says that family is founded on a marriage."

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