Saturday, April 30, 2011

Statement of Archbishop Neary

Statement of Archbishop Michael Neary, Saturday, April 30th, 2011

I deeply regret to inform you that an allegation with regard to child safeguarding has been made against Fr. X, your Parish Priest.  

The allegation dates back to the 1980s.

The allegation was reported immediately by the Diocese to the GardaĆ­ and the HSE and the National Board for Safeguarding Children.

It is important to say that what has been received is an allegation, which will require to be investigated.  In accordance with Church safeguarding policy, Fr. X will not be exercising ministry while the investigation is underway.

Fr. X is entitled to the constitutional and natural right of every person to the presumption of innocence.

My prayers are with all concerned at this distressing time.

The Diocese continues to work with the civil authorities to promote the safety of children which is of paramount importance.

Should any person have any safeguarding concern, please do not hesitate to contact the Diocesan Designated Persons, Fr. John O’Boyle or Ms. Mary Trench and /or to contact the HSE or GardaĆ­.  

The contact details of all these people can be found in the Notice in the Church porch.

No further comment can be made at this time.

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