Ending a standoff between Chicago’s Roman Catholic archbishop and one of Chicago’s most famous Catholic priests, Cardinal Francis George lifted the suspension of the Rev. Michael Pfleger Friday and said he would visit St. Sabina Catholic Church in the near future.
Both men also released statements pledging to work together and prepare a plan for a transition at St. Sabina Catholic Church by the end of the year.
“If my remarks in a radio interview seemed to be a threat to leave the priesthood, I am sorry,” Pfleger said in his statement. “That was not my intention. I am committed to the priesthood and the Catholic Church.”Both men also released statements pledging to work together and prepare a plan for a transition at St. Sabina Catholic Church by the end of the year.
Pfleger said he would prepare a transition plan for the cardinal by Dec. 1.
“In our conversations, Cardinal George and I recognized that the Church has been hurt, and this concerns us both,” Pfleger said. “For the people of St. Sabina and the Church as a whole, I will do all in my power to foster healing for all. We trust in the healing power of God.”
George said he approved Pfleger’s statement as a “genuine step toward healing the hurt and clarifying the confusion.”
“Many people have been personally affected by these events, including the people of St. Sabina Parish, and I hope that our statements now will bring the peace necessary to strengthen the mission of the Church,” George said.
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