Sunday, June 26, 2011

Missouri abbey faces suit; former St. Cloud bishop accused of abuse cover-up

A lawsuit filed Thursday against a Missouri abbey accuses Catholic Church officials — including former St. Cloud Bishop Jerome Hanus — of covering up sexual abuse by a former monk who spent several years at St. John’s University three decades ago.

The lawsuit, filed in Nodaway County Circuit Court, alleges that then-Benedictine monk Bede Parry abused the unnamed plaintiff in 1987 during a summer choir camp at Conception Abbey in northwest Missouri while Parry was director of the boys’ choir.

According to the lawsuit, Parry attended St. John’s University’s School of Theology in Collegeville from 1979 until 1982.

The plaintiff, who filed the lawsuit under the name John Doe 181, claims the Missouri abbey knew Parry had sexually abused other students but took no action. Among those the lawsuit accuses of knowing about the abuse are Hanus, who at that time was abbot of Conception Abbey, and Jerome Theisen, former abbot of St. John’s.

Hanus was abbot of Conception Abbey before becoming bishop of St. Cloud. He served in St. Cloud from 1987-1994. He is now the archbishop of Dubuque, Iowa.

The lawsuit alleges that between 1973-1979 while Parry was a monk at Conception Abbey, he reported to Hanus that he had been involved in three inappropriate sexual relationships. It also alleges he admitted a relationship with a student in 1981 while he was at St. John’s. 

Parry admitted the sexual misconduct to Theisen and two other monks at St. John’s, the lawsuit claims.

Parry was allowed to remain at St. John’s until he graduated in 1982, the lawsuit states, but as a condition he was required to receive psychological treatment.

The plaintiff alleges that Parry abused him during the summer choir program in 1987. 

According to the lawsuit, the plaintiff called his parents the next day and told them about it. 

They confronted Hanus, who told them Parry had a “mental breakdown” and would receive treatment, the lawsuit states.

St. Paul attorney Jeff Anderson is representing the plaintiff and has filed numerous lawsuits on behalf of victims of clergy abuse.

Anderson said the plaintiff’s parents were given the impression that it would be taken care of and Parry would not be around children in the future.

However, according to the lawsuit, Parry was assigned to churches in Albuquerque, N.M., and Las Vegas in the late 1980s and 1990s. 

In 2000, Parry underwent psychological testing because he was considering entering another monastery, the lawsuit claims. 

The results of the tests revealed that Parry “was a sexual abuser who had the proclivity to reoffend with minors,” the lawsuit states.

The Kansas City Star reported Thursday that Parry became a priest in the Episcopal Church in 2004 and is now the music director and assisting priest at All Saints Episcopal Church in Las Vegas.

The Associated Press reported that the head of Conception Abbey, Abbot Gregory Polan, and lawyer Jon Haden told the Kansas City Star they have no comment.

Anderson said the plaintiff was upset when he found out that Parry is still a practicing clergy member, and wants to make sure no other children are harmed. 

He wants Parry removed from the ministry and for church officials to acknowledge their mistakes, Anderson said.

“Unfortunately they’ve known the peril he posed for ... 23 years at least, if not longer,” Anderson said.

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