What is worth noting in all of this though, is the easy ride that seems to have been accorded to Bishop Walsh throughout all of this by the Irish media, who seems to be have been treated with kid gloves and this has resulted in much debate amongst social workers whom I have come across in the days since this story came into the public domain.
One noticeable figure who seems to have almost back-pedalled in relation to any initial criticism towards the Bishop is Colm O’Gorman of the One in Four organisation which campaigns against child abuse, and he personally was also a victim of the predatory nature of a member of the clergy in the Diocese of Ferns. Hence, the whole questioning of his almost silence now in relation to Bishop Walsh after having initially claiming there were some questions which needed to be answered by the Bishop in relation to his handling of the matter.
Perhaps O’Gorman feels it is better - politically - to stay silent and hope it all calms down and not force the Government to have to become too involved in this matter, especially as the political party he is standing for – Progressive Democrats – is currently the minor party that makes up the Government in this country at present. Certainly don’t need to be rocking any boats there now do we Colm? After all, you need the votes but be careful what you sacrifice, or more pertinently who you sacrifice in your quest to be come a TD…the abused can vote too!!!!
Back to Killaloe and the unsettling question that needs to be answered in a very detailed way if so possible by the relevant parties is basically what the bishop knew and when he actually knew. Once this is addressed, it may shed light on the major discrepancy or contradiction relative to his statement to the Gardaí in Clonmel when it was brought to his attention what Fr Desmond was (now) guilty of, and the statement he then gave to the media and the public in general in relation to what EXACTLY Fr Desmond had said to the Bishop back in 1995.
This raises the further spectre of there being collusion between the Bishop and An Garda Síochána which has been known to have happened on a few occasions in the past, even costing a member of the force his (senior) position due to the untruths and negligent interference of Bishop Walsh at the invitation of Garda Headquarters less than 3 years ago!!! Is it now payback time by the force to the Bishop for helping them out that time back and thus the cycle of cover-up continues…? Have we learned absolutely nothing from the Ferns Report or will it be allowed rumble on? Bishop Walsh and the Gardaí have a lot more questions to answer, but most especially the Bishop who is supposed to lead and guide in spirit and in TRUTH!!!!
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