Monday, December 27, 2010

Much loved American friar leaves Wexford

A much-loved County Wexford's Friar departed the county for pastures new this week. 

American born Brother Donald Thielsen has been living at the Franciscan Friary in Wexford Town for the past three years.  

A native of Mchenry near Chicago and a chef by trade, Brother Donal will depart the County Wexford Friary for a new position in Canterbury where he will begin running the canteen in the Franciscan international study centre there.  

While in Wexford, Brother Donald, as has been previously reported in CINews, became an expert campanologist when under his guidance the giant bell in the Friary Tower was restored and put into sonorous action for the first time in 20 years. 

Speaking this week to the Wexford People newspaper about his time in Wexford Brother Donald admitted that he volunteered to come to the model county from a monastery near Marytown in Chicago as the Franciscan Conventuals were taking over the Friary in 2007 and has been very much impressed with Wexford. 

“I have enjoyed my time in Wexford very much. I have never been in a community like it.  People are very community minded like a family. I have not seen such a religious people.”


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