Monday, December 27, 2010

Wexford clergy complete four-day fast for charity

Two County Wexford based clergy who completed a four-day fast for charity on Christmas Eve are hoping that when all the collections are counted, their efforts will raise close to €40,000 for the local Society of Saint Vincent De Paul.  

The fundraiser was undertaken by Wexford parish administrator Fr Jim Fegan and Rev Marie Jansson from the local Church of Ireland community. 

From Tuesday December 21, both clergy stationed themselves outside Saint Iberius Church on Wexford's Main Street for nine hours each day, from 8:00am to 5:00pm until Christmas Eve and maintained a fast for four full days. 

Fr Fegan said that due to the economic downturn, tough financial demands been placed on the Saint Vincent De Paul this year, tougher than ever. 

“The people of Wexford have always been very generous to this cause and their generosity has showed up again this year.” 

He added, “These are tight times for everybody, but there are people worse off than we are and whatever little we can give will make Christmas a happier one.” 

Fr Fegan also confirmed that people asked both himself and Rev Jansson if they would consider postponing their fast until the cold snap has passed but he said that they, “did not even consider this course of action as people are more focused on giving just prior to Christmas than after it.”


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