Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Pro-Cathedral in Dublin arranges collection of unwanted gifts in aid of homeless

The Archdiocese of Dublin is once again this year organising a collection of unwanted Christmas presents in aid of the city’s homeless.

In their appeal, they have asked that if you have more Christmas jumpers than you have time to wear, that the staff at Dublin’s Pro cathedral are asking you to put unwanted gifts to good use, by donating them to the city’s homeless people. 

Already on St. Stephen’s Day, the diocese reports that people have been leaving gifts already.

This is the sixth year that the staff at St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral have arranged this collection and once again, they are asking for unwanted DVD,’s jumpers, toiletries, toys and other excess gifts.

These will be given to Crosscare, who will distribute them to people most in need throughout 2011 and use them as Christmas gifts for people who may never receive one, this time next year. 

If the appeal is as successful as it has been in previous years, Crosscare will sell surplus gifts and use the monies raised in their homeless shelters and services around Dublin.

Fr Pat O’ Donoghue from the Pro Cathedral said that the response to the appeal for unwanted gifts was growing year by year, despite current economic circumstances.  

Last year the response was particularly generous and they are hoping that people will be as thoughtful this year as the most marginalised people in the city are affected by the downturn more than most.

Fr. O Donoghue said, ““We are hoping that, even despite terrible weather conditions, people will make the effort to bring their unwanted gifts to the crib in the Pro-Cathedral.  This year more than ever, we know they will make a big difference.” 

Unwanted gifts can be left at the crib up until the Feast of the Epiphany, January 6.


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