Sunday, January 2, 2011

Patriarch Laham: "Terrorism is targeting Christianity"

Patriarch of the Church of Antioch, spiritual leader of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church, Gregory III Laham condemned in a statement Sunday the terrorist attack on Saints Church in Alexandria, warning that a terror campaign was being launched against innocent Christians.

The alarming attack was a warning sign that Christians may be a new target for terrorism which swiftly shifted from one region to the next, according to the Patriarch. 

Laham asked the Arab and international communities to take definitive action to combat terrorism, "People trust the government and constitutional institutions to take care of them," he said, adding that this responsibility should be taken seriously by any government. 

"Targeting Christians is a clear strategy to empty the East from its basic components."

He called out for Muslim leaders, spiritual and political ones, to harness their efforts to block these terrorist attacks and spread security among people.

"The Muslim community, which sees eye to eye with the Christian one in values and ambitions, refuses these crimes," he said, "these crimes are also an attack on Islam and its principles, in as much as it is an attack on Christians."

Laham offered his condolences to Egyptian President Houssnie Moubarak, and Coptic Pope Shenouda III.


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