Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bishop 'moved to tears' by Michaela television show

A SENIOR cleric has said he was moved to tears by a television programme in which bereaved husband John McAreavey spoke about how his murdered bride Michaela Harte watches over him in prayer.

In his Easter sermon, Bishop of Kilmore Leo O'Reilly commended last week's RTE documentary on Michaela's tragic death last January in Mauritius, in which her father Mickey Harte, the Tyrone gaelic football manager, also spoke of his deep religious faith.

Speaking at the Easter Sunday Vigil Mass in the Cathedral of Saints Patrick and Felim in Cavan, Bishop O'Reilly admitted that he was not a regular TV viewer, and sometimes missed good programmes.

He said he was lucky not to have missed the whole of Tommie Gorman's 'Finding Peace', which he described as a very good programme appropriate for Holy Week.

"I was lucky enough to catch the second half of it," said Bishop O'Reilly. "It moved me to tears at times, but it also lifted my spirits and gave me great hope.

"It gave me hope because it was such a powerful witness to faith in Jesus and in the power of 
faith in Jesus, particularly at times of tragedy."


Bishop O'Reilly is the second Catholic prelate to commend the programme highly. Last Thursday, Cardinal Sean Brady was similarly ecstatic in his praise.

Noting that the faith of the people close to Michaela was "deep and sincere", Bishop O'Reilly said: "What all of the family and friends of Michaela who took part in that programme were saying quietly but clearly was: 'I believe in the resurrection.'"

Meanwhile, Cardinal Brady directed his 2011 Easter greetings towards the sick and to people who were troubled in any way.

Speaking at the Easter Vigil Mass in Armagh, he also referred to those who were grieving from the loss of a loved one. 

"I am thinking especially of those who are lonely because they know that they are terminally ill, or because they know that a loved one has truly left them," said the Primate of All Ireland.

"I am thinking of those who are depressed because they feel today, a sense of loss or bereavement, failure or rejection," added Cardinal Brady, urging Catholics to renew their faith in Jesus Christ.

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