Saturday, April 2, 2011

Redemptorists Seek to Refurbish Limerick Monastery

The Redemptorist Community in Limerick has signalled its intent to continue to be a major force in the city by applying for planning permission for a multi-million euro redevelopment of their monastery facilities in the city.
The building, which is located beside Saint Alphonsus Church in Limerick, is a protected structure, and the priests and brothers who currently live there have moved into temporary accommodation while the redevelopment will take place.  

Fr Adrian Egan said that while the order's development plans have been scaled down due to the economic climate they are still going ahead.  

He went on to say, “Things have changed in the last few years, and we are all very aware in terms of the economic climate.  The original plan there a few years ago has stalled.  So this is a phased back refurbishment, which we are planning on our own basis.”  

He said that the new facilities will include reading rooms, a conference centre, a youth centre, a choir space and a shop, and would be, “more user friendly for the elderly and those who need more care' following the refurbishment.”

It is hoped that work on the development can commence by next year. 

Fr Egan added, “We are determined to go back in there, because it is important we maintain our presence in Limerick as a vibrant home.  This is part of our ongoing commitment to being a presence in Limerick.  We have already refurbished the church to a very high standard.”

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