Monday, December 6, 2010

Bishop Of Kerry thanks people for taking part in listening sessions

The Bishop of Kerry Dr Bill Murphy has publicly thanked everybody who took part in the Listening Sessions which took place in the Diocese of Kerry this year.  

In a pastoral letter read out at all masses throughout the Diocese, he said that he greatly regrets the inadequate way in which the church authorities responded to the survivors of clerical abuse.  

Clerical sex abuse was one of the four main themes which the Listening Sessions addressed; the others concerned church structures, youth, and the understanding of Church and faith.  

Just over 600 people attended the listening sessions which were held at 12 different locations throughout the Diocese of Kerry. 

In his letter Bishop Murphy said, “I can assure you that I am committed to working at both local and national level with those who have been abused.  This has been a period of enormous learning both for me personally and for the Church in general.  I am committed to ensuring that we implement all the necessary policies and structures to guard against this happening again.” 

“Safeguarding children committees have now been established throughout every parish in the Diocese and the work of these committees is monitored on a regular basis.  I am confident now that as a result of these measures which are now in place that the church in our diocese is now a safer place for children.” 

Bishop Murphy revealed that many of the ideas put forward by those who attended the Listening Sessions have now been incorporated into the Kerry diocesan plan.


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