Monday, December 6, 2010

Pope : an appeal against intolerance, violence and suffering in the world

Benedict XVI at the Angelus Sunday called on the faithful "to hear God's voice, echoing in the wilderness of the world through the Holy Scriptures, especially when preached with the power of the Holy Spirit." 

And speaking after the Angelus he recalled the dramatic situations of violence, intolerance and suffering in Iraq, in Egypt and the victims of traffickers and criminals in the Sinai Desert.

The Pope recalled the figure of St. John the Baptist, " who, according to a famous prophecy of Isaiah (cf. 40.3), withdrew into the wilderness of Judea and through his preaching, called the people to repent in order to be ready for the imminent coming of the Messiah. St. Gregory the Great says that the Baptist preaches the true faith and good works ... so that the penetrating power of grace, the light of truth shine, the pathways to God straightened and honest thoughts are born in souls after listening to the Word that leads to all good".

Even today, in the desert of the world, we must hear the voice of God, said Benedict XVI quoting a much loved theologian, Romano Guardini: "Dear friends, our salvation is based on a coming", as Romano Guardini wrote (La santa notte. Dall’Avvento all’Epifania, Brescia 1994, p. 13). 

"The Saviour came from the freedom of God ... So the choice of Faith consists in …welcoming He who comes  ..." (p. 14). "The Redeemer, - adds the German-Italian theologian – comes to  each man in his joys and anxieties, his certainties, in his doubts and temptations, in all that constitutes his nature and his life". 

And revealing the relevancy of the Gospel, Pope Benedict XI also launched a strong appeal: "In this Advent season, in which we are called to nurture our awaiting the coming of the Lord and to welcome him among us, I invite you to pray for all situations of violence, intolerance, suffering in the world, that the coming of Jesus may bring consolation, reconciliation and peace. I think of the many difficult situations, such as the continuous attacks that occur in Iraq against Christians and Muslims, the clashes in Egypt where there were deaths and injuries, the victims of traffickers and criminals, such as the drama of the hostages, Eritreans and of other nationalities, in the Sinai desert. Respect for the rights of all is the prerequisite for peace. Our prayer to the Lord and our solidarity can bring hope to those who are suffering".


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