Wednesday, January 26, 2011

First Ugandan joins Camillans

The first Ugandan national has been professed into the Camillian order at a ceremony in Co. Westmeath.

Brother Richard Lubaale made his solemn profession at the St Camillus Nursing Centre in Killucan.  

The Provincial of the Anglo-Irish Province of the Camillians, Fr Stephen Foster, presided over the ceremony, which took place at a concelebrated Mass at which he formally welcomed Brother Richard into the order.

The solemn profession is the most important induction ceremony of the Camillian congregation and Brother Lubaale will now continue his studies towards ordination.  

The Mass was concelebrated by a number of priests, including Fr Tom O’Connor and Fr Tom Smith.

The two priests were based originally in Killucan, but left to launch the order’s mission to Uganda ten years ago.

The profession of Brother Luballe marks a new phase in the mission as he becomes the first Ugandan to commit to contributing to the further development of the Camillian evangelisation agenda. 

He is one of five Ugandans currently at various levels of religious studies with the order.

Last July, Killucan was the man focus of a visit to Ireland of the relics of St Camillus to mark the 75th anniversary of the order’s arrival in the country.


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